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Why research matters in Case Management, with Dr Devdeep Ahuja, Director of CMSUK

Why research matters in Case Management, with Dr Devdeep Ahuja, Director of CMSUK

Dr Devdeep Ahuja talks to us today about the importance of research to the formation of a professional identity for Case Management – and you don’t have to be ‘a researcher’ to do it! We can all collect, structure, pool and learn from the evidence that comes from our intuitions, practice, experience and outcomes – even individual case studies. Dr Dev tells us what the the Case Management Society (CMSUK) is doing to support this process, and invites us to join in.


research, practice, case management, physiotherapy, professional identity, evidence, literature, effectiveness, pain, outcome measures, standardization, clinical practice, interventions, validation, funding, justification, evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence, bottom-up, data, anecdotal, experience, sharing, learning, CMSUK, monitoring progress, framework, journal, references, NICE guidance, reflection, Journal Club, intuition, research grants, research-aware, structure, reports, NHS

2:24 Devdeep’s journey into research

5:39 Why is research important?

8:00 Research from a consumer/patient perspective

9:35 Broadening a definition of evidence

11:50 How to share experience based evidence

13:30 Professionalising Case Management

16:00 Case management is more than just an organization role

16:45 Missing framework and epistemology

18:26 Getting started with research

21:28 CMSUK journal club

22:45 Referencing and engaging with research

26:00 Subjective nature of case management research

27:34 How CMS are encouraging research

30:56 Top three ways to increase reliance on research



6:39 “Research forms the basis of a professional identity.”

12:30 “It’s so easy to do practice based research but it needs open-mindedness towards sharing and learning together.”

18:26 “You don’t have to be a researcher to do research.”

Guest: Dr Devdeep Ahuja, CMSUK

Presenter: Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan, Director of PsychWorks Associates

Editor: Emily Crosby Media