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The power of the MDT in making sense of client disengagement

The power of the MDT in making sense of client disengagement

This week’s episode looks at sense-making in PI client work and ways to do that:

– legislative, emotional and dynamic aspects of sense-making

– grief models that can frame the client’s emotional presentation

– how grief is a barrier to rehabilitation

– how our relationship with our clients is a variable in sense-making

– that our boundaries matter

– and that advocating for our clients opens up systemic sense-making


sense-making, disengagement, legal, social care, emotional journey, MDT, trauma, adjustment, grief, Kubler-Ross, five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, roadmap, Kessler, finding meaning, mental health, low mood, low motivation, cognitive neurological impairment, social environment, pre-injury personality, attachment history, containment, safety, connection, practice-based evidence, therapeutic alliance, bio-psychosocial, holistic care, consensual approach, complexity, biological, psychological, social dimensions, shared understanding, overarching goals

1:35 Categorizing sense-making

2:40 Conceptualizing the client’s emotional journey

3:30 Models of grief
— 3:46 Growing Around Grief Model

— 3:57 Stages of Grief

— 6:35 Kessler’s additions

8:00 Why use these models

8:24 Making sense of the stages with your clients

10:03 Making sense of what you and the MDT bring to the client

11:27 Maintaining a strong therapeutic alliance

12:00 Applying a biopsychosocial model

18:00 Benefits of this model


7:27 “Meaning-making is massive.”

8:05 “Denial, anger, bargaining and depression are effectively the barriers to rehabilitation, and can significantly impair progress.”

10:25 “What can you do to provide a sense of containment, a sense of safety, connection and belonging?”

11:45 “That consistency and that honesty that you bring to your client relationship is 100% the key foundation to basing your interventions on, but I would also say that advocating for your client from a biopsychosocial-type perspective is equally important.”

Presenter: Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan, Director of PsychWorks Associates

Editor: Emily Crosby Media