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Collaborative working and clinical outcomes

Collaborative working and clinical outcomes

Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan at PsychWorks Associates discusses how collaborative working means so much more than maximised clinical outcomes.

We often focus on the benefits of collaborative, interdisciplinary, joined-up working for our clients and their families to achieve goals in a sustainable and timely way. While this will always remain our focus, there are other benefits to this communication-based approach that works well for the service providers that is hardly talked about.

Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan, MD, clinical psychologist and Advanced BABICM case manager at PsychWorks Associates, discusses the pressures on rehabilitations providers in the current climate, especially those offering mental health, and how faster and more efficient ways of assigning funding are at the heart of improving outcomes for clients in the longer-term.

Read the full article here


For treating psychology or case management that is underpinned by collaborative approaches to maximise rehabilitation, we invite you to contact PsychWorks Associates via or – we would be happy to support your client with you!