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Rose Rokhim PsychWorks Associates

Fulfilling my goals in a business that embraces me for who I am

From originally being apprehensive as to whether case management could be for her, Rose Rokhim is now building a successful career with PsychWorks Associates. 

Here, NR Times discovers how and why she feels supported and accepted in her work, and how the close alignment of her values with the business makes such a huge difference professionally and personally

By February 2023 I will have been working with PsychWorks Associates for three years. From initially not really knowing what case management was – and then believing it was not for someone like me – I am now enjoying a rewarding and fulfilling career as a case management associate. It’s enabling me to bring through my professional training in psychology and healthcare, whilst also finding an outlet for my passions, and working with an organisation whose values align closely with my own.

Read the full article here.