How PsychWorks Associates is ensuring the client is kept at the centre of rehabilitation
With several different professionals routinely involved in rehabilitation, challenges can emerge in shared goals and understandings which keep the client at the centre of the process.
Having seen differing perspectives at play and finding it harder to coordinate a package of care, PsychWorks Associates has devised a model to help achieve an interdisciplinary way of working which keeps the client at the heart at all times and that maximises rehabilitation outcomes.
Following the publication of the model last month, Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan, clinical psychologist, Advanced BABICM case manager and founding director of PWA, tells NR Times more

Many of our clients have significant and complex disabilities, particularly as a result of an acquired brain injury, and require specialist rehabilitation, therapeutic care and support. We understand the impacts of injury, and support our clients towards greater functional independence, wellbeing and quality of life.
We are a CQC regulated service that follows a framework around an assessment-formulation-planning-implementing-reflecting process. So, we understand there’s work to be done while there are emotional reactions are to be experienced. Read more about are case management service