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CMSUK 2023 Winner Case Management Service Provider of the Year

What winning a CMSUK Award means to me | Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan reflects with NR Times

Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan reflects on PsychWorks Associates being named Case Management Service Provider of the Year

After PsychWorks Associates was named Case Management Service Provider of the Year at the CMSUK Awards 2023, managing director Dr Shabnam Berry-Khan shares her pride at the accolade, and gratitude to all those who made it possible

Back in the day I never dreamed of applying for an award, let alone winning one. And yet here we are, celebrating winning CMSUK’s Case Management Service Provider of the Year Award!

So, what changed?

I initially founded the PsychWorks Associates service in 2014 for case managers to find adequately trained and specialist treating psychologists to work with our complex injured clients.

I had been a case manager for several years by this time, and I could see there was clearly a demand, but no known provision dedicated to understanding the interactions between trauma, medico-legal contexts and case management. Let alone one that also considered systemic and diversity needs across the personal injury client cohort. I was driven by passion and personal experience to fill that gap and enhance the care that clients receive.

Despite that drive and passion, I remained a loyal part-time servant to the NHS, so PsychWorks Associates continued as a part-time endeavour until around 2019. It has grown hugely in the last 18 months, the pandemic having first redirected focus onto client safety rather than business growth. We now employ seven people with another on the way, and have over 35 associates across both the treating psychology and case management teams. Clearly the word that we are the only specialist personal injury case management and treating psychology service in the country has been spreading! Read more


Please visit the PsychWorks Associates website for more information on our case management servicetreating psychology service, to make a referral, or to work with us.